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In-person Coaching 1 on 1

Online Coaching 1 on 1

Health and Fitness Assessments

MCS+Corrective Programing

Training Program Design

Nutritional Coaching


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First initial consultation is free. Book in and Start on your health and fitness journey.




Martins Bergs


My Why

I firmly believe that health is your wealth, and how you treat your body will affect the quality of your life. So my core purpose for Mind & Body Fitness is to enable you to have the vitality and mindfulness that will completely transform your life.

About Me

I'm very passionate about health & fitness, where I have made it my vocation for the last ten years. It's a way of life for me, and I love everything about it, from weightlifting to yoga, hiking, and bouldering, etc. I'm always up for a challenge. And always willing to go the extra mile to help my clients with their goals.


Over the last decade had a privilege to learn a lot of valuable lessons and I'm always looking to add more to my knowledge.

•  EQF Level 4 Personal Trainer

•  Strength & Conditioning Coach (NCSC Certificate)

• Yoga Teacher Diploma  Level 1

• Suspension Training Level 3

• THUMP Boxing Level 3 & Master Trainer

•  Precision Nutrition Level 1 Nutritional Coaching